2.6. Exercises: paper and pencil#

In this section we practice using formal notation for probability.


  • what is meant by the term ‘mutually exclusive’? Include formal notation and a real life example in your answer.


Two events A and B are mutually exclusive if they cannot both occur together in a sample

Put formally, p(A|B) = 0, p(B|A) = 0, and p(A∩B) = 0

For example if I stop a random person on the street:

  • Let A be the event that that person has blue eyes

  • Let B be the event that that person has brown eyes

A and B are mutually exclusive since a person cannot have both blue eyes and brown eyes.

2.6.1. Definitions#

Define the following terms, in each case including any relevant formal notation, and give a real life example:

a) statistically independent events

b) \(A\) and its complement \(A^c\)

c) What is the multiplication law?

  • Use formal notation and the appropriate symbol \(\cup\) or \(\cap\)

d) If two events are statistically independent, how can the multiplication law be simplified?

e) What is the addition law?

  • Use formal notation and the appropriate symbol \(\cup\) or \(\cap\)

f) If two events are mutually exclusive, how can the addition law be simplified?

2.6.2. Combinations of events#

In 2002, a social survey with 1117 respondents in total found that 96 were members of an environmental group. Of these, 30 said they would be willing to pay higher prices for their shopping, to protect the environment. Of the remaining respondents, 88 said they would be willing to pay higher prices to protect the environment.

a) Construct a contingency table for these data

  • Let \(E\) be the event that the respondent is a member of an environmental group

  • Let \(P\) be the event that the respondent is willing to pay higher prices to protect the environment

Answer using formal notation as in this example

Example: Are \(E\) and \(P\) mutually exclusive?

Answer: No, if \(E\) and \(P\) were mutually exclusive, \(p(E \cap P)\) would be zero, but in fact \(p(E \cap P) = \frac{30}{1117}\).

a) Are \(E\) and \(P\) statistically independent?

b) What is the probability that a member of an environmental group would be willing to pay higher prices?

c) What is the probability that a non-member would be willing to pay higher prices?

2.6.3. Bayes Theorem#

A rapid screening test for COVID19 has the following efficacy statistics:

  • For people with COVID19, a positive result occurs 90% of the time

  • For people without COVID19, a positive test result occurs 2% of the time

In the city of Easton, it is estimated that 10.7% of the population have COVID.

a) A person in Easton takes a COVID test and it comes out positive. What is the chance this person has COVID?

In the city of Westerby, it is estimated that 0.5% of the population have COVID.

b) A person in Westerby takes a COVID test and it comes out positive. What is the chance this person has COVID?

c) Comment on the results of parts a) and b)