2.6. 2D Data: Correlation and Pairwise Effects#

In some datasets, the key point of interest is the relationship between two variables. Important experimental examples would be:

  • paried designs (where pairs of participants are compared, to balance out external variables) - for example:

    • patients and control participants may be matched on age and sex

  • Repeated measures designs, where the same participant completes all conditions in the experiment

    • A patient’s blood pressure before and after taking a drug

    • Reaction time on the same task with and without distraction

Here is a video about paired vs unpaired designs:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yq5RF2MCN7Y?si=1XDbQKpZP-KYSoWG" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If we want to see the relationship between paired measurements, we need a type of plot that shows that relationship. Good examples are:

  • scatterplot sns.scatterplot()

  • scatterplot with regression line sns.regplot()

  • 2D histogram sns.histplot()

  • 2D KDE plot sns.kde()

Here is a video about plotting paired measurements:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lVHzI2Ktd_s?si=_112tUvkxO9ESikm" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2.6.1. Example: brother/sister heights#

A picture of people of different heights

A researcher hypothesises that men are taller than women.

He also notices that there is a considerable genetic influence on height, with some families being taller than others

He decides to control for this by comparing the heights of brothers and sisters (shared genetic influence, shared upbringing). This is a paired design.

I have provided some made-up data

Note that datasets with multiple measurements for each individual tend to be presented as wideform tables - that is, with one row per ‘case’ (person, family etc) and one column per variable measured - the plotting examples below therefore use wideform data.

A solution for longform data is covered briefly at the end of this notebook

Set up Python libraries#

As usual, run the code cell below to import the relevant Python libraries

# Set-up Python libraries - you need to run this but you don't need to change it
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)

Load and inspect the data#

Load the file BrotherSisterData.csv which contains heights in cm for 25 fictional brother-sister pairs

heightData = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2024/main/data/BrotherSisterData.csv')
brother sister
0 174 172
1 183 180
2 154 148
3 172 180
4 172 165
5 161 159
6 167 159
7 172 164
8 195 188
9 189 175
10 161 160
11 181 177
12 175 168
13 170 169
14 175 165
15 169 164
16 169 163
17 180 176
18 180 176
19 180 172
20 175 170
21 162 157
22 175 172
23 181 179
24 173 171

Independent KDE plots#

Let’s use a KDE plot to compare the heights of the men (brothers) and women (sisters) in the sample.

We can call KDE plot twice to plot the data from brothers and sisters overlayed

sns.kdeplot(data=heightData, fill=True)
plt.xlabel('height (cm)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'height (cm)')

There’s a lot of overlap for sure, and just a hint that the men are taller than the women.

But comparing all the men to all the women is wasting the power of our paired design! We deliberated measured brother-sister pairs in the hope of “cancelling out” shared genetic or environmental influences within families. We therefore need to ask if each brother is taller than his own sister.

2.6.2. Scatterplot#

On a scatterplot, each dot represents two people - a brother and sister:

sns.scatterplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister')
plt.xlabel("brother's height (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sister's height (cm)")
plt.xlabel("brother's height (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sister's height (cm)")

Between-pairs effect (correlation)#

Notice that in the scatterplot, the data points are spread out along a diagonal line, or to put it another way, height of brothers and sisters is correlated across families.

This means that in general tall brothers have tall sisters and this variation between families rather dwarfs the effect of interest (that within each family the brother is taller than his own sister)

This feature of the plot is evidence that a paired design was a particularly good choice for this question - in the paired design, the (large) variation between families is cancelled out allowing us to detect the (small) difference between male and females.

Within-pairs effect (pairwise difference)#

The family effect is actually “noise” in this study - what we really want to know is not whether some families are taller than others, but whether the male sibling in each family is taller than the female sibling once the family effect is accounted for (by compaaring only within families).

To help us visualise this we add a reference line.

Reference line#

If all the brothers were exactly the same height as their sisters, we would expect all data points to fall exactly on the line \(x=y\)

If brothers were roughly the same height as their sisters (with some random variation) we would expect the data points to fall equally often above and below the line \(x=y\)

If brothers are generally taller than their sisters, most of the datapoints will fall on one side of the line (think about which!)

To add the line \(x=y\) we use the matplotlib function plt.plot(). The arguments of this function are the \(x\) and \(y\) values for the ends of the line (\(x\) and \(y\) both range from 150-190), and the argument ‘r–’ which sets the color and line type.

sns.scatterplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister')
plt.xlabel("brother's height (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sister's height (cm)")
plt.plot([150, 190],[150, 190], 'r--')

Look at the graph - most of the datapoints fall on one side of the line (below it)

  • This means either than most of the brothers are taller than their sisters, or vice versa - which is it (look at the graph)?


See if you can add another line of code to draw a red horizontal line at y=170

Reference line is not a regression line#

More commonly, when you see a line on a scatter plot, the line is a regression line (more detail below). It can be helpful to add other reference lines, such as the line \(x=y\), but I suggest you use obvious colouring (eg a red dashed line) to distinguish them from a regression line, and clearly state in the figure description (ie the text under the figure) that the red dashed line is the line \(x=y\) for reference

2.6.3. Scatterplot with regression line#

Sometimes we are interested in the between-pairs effect. For example we might be interested in the shared effect of genetics/environment, and would like to make a prediction along the lines ‘for each additional cm in height of the brother, we expect the height of his sister to increase by 0.8cm’

We will cover regression analysis later in the course

Here I just want to introduce a version of the scatterplot which includes the best fitting regression line, sns.regplot()

sns.regplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister')
plt.plot([150, 190],[150, 190], 'r--')
plt.xlabel("brother's height (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sister's height (cm)")

The blue line is the regression line (and the shading represents a confidence interval for the regression line - we will cover confidence intervals in detail later but basically, it reflects the fact that we are not totally sure this sample reflects all men and women in the popluation; we expect the ‘true’ regression line to fall somewhere in the shaded region)

I’ve also included (red dashed line) the line \(x=y\) for reference - we can see that the regression line is not the same as the line \(x=y\) - it falls to one side of \(x=y\) and has a slightly different slope.

If these ideas (regression line and confidence interval) are unfamiliar please think no more about it - they will be covered later in the course, but I mention this plot here so you have all commonly used plots in one chapter for revision.

2.6.4. Jointplot#

A disadvantage of the scatterplot is that we lose the ability to see the shape of each distribution (brothers’ and sisters’ heights), which we would get from a histogram or KDE plot

  • is the distribution of heights symmetrical or skewed?

  • is the distribution unimodal or bimodal

We can get ‘the best of both worlds’ by using seaborn function jointplot, which shows the marginal distributions (the height distributions for brothers and sisters separately) at the side of the main scatter plot

sns.jointplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister')
plt.xlabel("brother's height (cm)")
plt.ylabel("sister's height (cm)")

Since this plot is now made up of three axes (the main scatter plot and the two marginal histograms), if we want to adjust one of those axes, we use a set of arguments in a dictionary:

  • marginal_kws are keyword argumments for the marginal histograms

  • joint_kws are keyword arguments for the scatterplot itself

You can probably just copy this syntax without worrying too much about understanding it as we don’t make heavy use of dictionaries in this course.

sns.jointplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister', kind='scatter', 
              marginal_kws=dict(bins=range(150,200,5), kde="true"), 

Finally, we can add the line \(x=y\).

This is a little fiddly and you will not be required to do this in an assessment - however I include it for your future reference

As the plot consists of several axes, we have to tell the computer which part of the the joint plot to add the line to, by getting a handle to the plot (see comments in the code)

# create the joint plot as before but give it a label - "myfig"
myfig = sns.jointplot(data = heightData, x='brother', y='sister', kind='scatter',
                      marginal_kws=dict(bins=range(150,200,5), kde="true"),

# plot the line x=y onto the joint axis (ax_joint) of myfig


2.6.5. 2D Histogram#

The functions sns.histplot() and sns.kde() can actuaally be used for two dimensional data.

Here is a histplot for our brother-sister height data, with the scatterplot overlaid:

sns.histplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister', bins=range(150,200,5))
sns.scatterplot(data=heightData, x='brother', y='sister', color='k')


… Note that areas (squares) with more data points in them are darker blue.

Large datasets#

A 2D histogram or KDE plot is particularly useful when a dataset is too large to be successfully visualized using a scatterplot.

For example, consider the following dataset containing heights, weight and gender for 10,000 (fictional) people.

hws = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2024/main/data/weight-height.csv')
Gender Height Weight
0 Male 73.847017 241.893563
1 Male 68.781904 162.310473
2 Male 74.110105 212.740856
3 Male 71.730978 220.042470
4 Male 69.881796 206.349801
... ... ... ...
9995 Female 66.172652 136.777454
9996 Female 67.067155 170.867906
9997 Female 63.867992 128.475319
9998 Female 69.034243 163.852461
9999 Female 61.944246 113.649103

10000 rows × 3 columns

Let’s try making a scatterplot of the data:

sns.scatterplot(data=hws, x='Height', y='Weight')

We can clearly see a positive correlation between weight and height, but it is hard to see any detail about the relationship as the dots are packed so closely together.

We can try instead to plot a 2D histogram:

sns.histplot(data=hws, x='Height', y='Weight')

We can now see that the density of datapoints is higher in the middle of the cloud, and interestingly can see a hint that there are two separate peaks within the data distribution (look closely - the dark region of the histogram dips in the middle).

The reason for this becomes clearer if we plot the data separately for men and women:

sns.histplot(data=hws, x='Height', y='Weight', hue='Gender')

However, the data cloud for women is now occluding the data cloud for men.

Another option is to use the 2D KDE plot, which produces a kind of contour map (equivalent to the kind fo map you would take hill walking):

sns.kdeplot(data=hws, x='Height', y='Weight', hue='Gender')


All the plots above can be customized to highlight features of interest in the data.

Particularly relevant tweaks for these plot types are:

  • alpha - a number between 0 and 1 - makes plots semi-transparent when close to 0

  • colormap

You can learn more on the seaborn reference pages for sns.histplot(), sns.kdeplot() and sns.scatter().

2.6.6. Longform vs wideform data#

Data tables can be either longform, or wideform.

In wideform (as in the examples above), each row corresponds to one ‘case’ or ‘record’ and each column corresponds to one variable

In the two examples above we have:

  • records = families; variables = height of brother, height of sister

  • records = individuals; variables = sex, height, weight

In longform data, the grouping variables are given in a column - for example in the following longform version of the brother/sister heights data, we can tell which brother and sister belong to the same family by checking the familyID variable.

heightDataLongform = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2024/main/data/BrotherSisterDataLongform.csv')
familyID sex height
0 410119 Male 174
1 438181 Male 183
2 260033 Male 154
3 330754 Male 172
4 118173 Male 172
5 218511 Male 161
6 934515 Male 167
7 936244 Male 172
8 608784 Male 195
9 700114 Male 189
10 902900 Male 161
11 327878 Male 181
12 714099 Male 175
13 136536 Male 170
14 483548 Male 175
15 992816 Male 169
16 427440 Male 169
17 809371 Male 180
18 578843 Male 180
19 342207 Male 180
20 565176 Male 175
21 626851 Male 162
22 185965 Male 175
23 165826 Male 181
24 819334 Male 173
25 410119 Female 172
26 438181 Female 180
27 260033 Female 148
28 330754 Female 180
29 118173 Female 165
30 218511 Female 159
31 934515 Female 159
32 936244 Female 164
33 608784 Female 188
34 700114 Female 175
35 902900 Female 160
36 327878 Female 177
37 714099 Female 168
38 136536 Female 169
39 483548 Female 165
40 992816 Female 164
41 427440 Female 163
42 809371 Female 176
43 578843 Female 176
44 342207 Female 172
45 565176 Female 170
46 626851 Female 157
47 185965 Female 172
48 165826 Female 179
49 819334 Female 171

When we have multiple measurements one individual, wideform often seems more natural. Examples in which we would have multiple measurements for one individual are:

  • test scores before- and after- an intervention

  • multiple health metrics such as weight, blood pressure and pulse

  • responses to multiple questions in a survey

  • data on a single variable for paired individuals (such as height of brother/sister or husband/wife pairs)

Why would we ever use the longform format?

  • when the number of measurements in each ‘record’ or ‘group’ is variable (eg heights of all siblings in each family - the number of siblings will vary across families)

2.6.7. Converting longform to wideform#

To convert longform data to wideform (for use with plotting functions such as sns.scatterplot and sns.regplot) we use the pandas function df.pivot

We need to tell df.pivot which variable to group by (that is, which variable indexs the datapoints that belong together), which variable to use to sort data into different columns, and which variable contains the data values (that will eventually be plottted).

Here is how it works for converting the brother/sister heights longform data into wideform:

heightDataWideform = heightDataLongform.pivot(index='familyID', columns='sex', values='height')
sex Female Male
118173 165 172
136536 169 170
165826 179 181
185965 172 175
218511 159 161
260033 148 154
327878 177 181
330754 180 172
342207 172 180
410119 172 174
427440 163 169
438181 180 183
483548 165 175
565176 170 175
578843 176 180
608784 188 195
626851 157 162
700114 175 189
714099 168 175
809371 176 180
819334 171 173
902900 160 161
934515 159 167
936244 164 172
992816 164 169