2.8. Tutorial Exercises: non-parametric tests#
Here are some exercises on comparing groups of data (medians or means) using rank-based non-parametric tests, or permutation tests
2.8.1. Set up Python libraries#
As usual, run the code cell below to import the relevant Python libraries
# Set-up Python libraries - you need to run this but you don't need to change it
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)
2.8.2. 1. Whose peaches are heavier?#
Mr Robinson’s juice factory buys peaches from farmers by the tray. Each tray contains 50 peaches. Farmer MacDonald claims that this is unfair as his peaches are juicier and therefore weigh more than the peaches of his rival, Mr McGregor.
Mr Robinson weighs eight trays of Farmer MacDonald’s peaches and 8 trays of Mr McGregor’s peaches.
Investigate whether MacDonald’s claim is justified by testing for a difference in weight between MacDonald and McGregor’s peaches using a non-parametric (rank-based) test.
a) Load the data into a Pandas dataframe
peaches = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2025/main/data/peaches.csv')
McGregor | MacDonald | |
0 | 7.867 | 8.289 |
1 | 7.637 | 7.972 |
2 | 7.652 | 8.237 |
3 | 7.772 | 7.789 |
4 | 7.510 | 7.345 |
5 | 7.743 | 7.861 |
6 | 7.356 | 7.779 |
7 | 7.944 | 7.974 |
b) Plot the data and comment.
A Kernel desity estimate plot (to show the distribution) and rug plot (to show individual data points) would be a good choice here. You should comment on the data distribution
# your code here to plot the data
c) Conduct an appropriate rank-based non-parametric test of Farmer MacDonald’s claim
State your hypotheses
State relevant descriptive statistics
Carry out the test using the built in function from
with appropriate option choicesState your conclusions
# your code here
d) Conduct a permutation test of the same claim
State your hypotheses
State relevant descriptive statistics
Carry out the test using the built in function from
with appropriate option choicesState your conclusions
# your code here
2.8.3. 2. IQ and vitamins#
The VitalVit company claim that after taking their VitalVit supplement, IQ is increased.
They run a trial in which 22 participants complete a baseline IQ test, then take VitalVit for six weeks, then complete another IQ test.
a) What kind of design is this.
< your answer here >
b) What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of this type of design? Should the company have done something different or additional to rule out confounding factors?
< your answer here >
c) Load the data into a Pandas dataframe
vitamin = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2025/main/data/vitalVit.csv')
ID_code | before | after | |
0 | 688870 | 82.596 | 83.437 |
1 | 723650 | 117.200 | 119.810 |
2 | 445960 | 85.861 | 83.976 |
3 | 708780 | 125.640 | 127.680 |
4 | 109960 | 96.751 | 99.103 |
5 | 968530 | 105.680 | 106.890 |
6 | 164930 | 142.410 | 145.550 |
7 | 744410 | 109.650 | 109.320 |
8 | 499380 | 128.210 | 125.110 |
9 | 290560 | 84.773 | 87.249 |
10 | 780690 | 110.470 | 112.650 |
11 | 660820 | 100.870 | 99.074 |
12 | 758780 | 94.117 | 95.951 |
13 | 363320 | 96.952 | 96.801 |
14 | 638840 | 86.280 | 87.669 |
15 | 483930 | 89.413 | 94.379 |
16 | 102800 | 85.283 | 88.316 |
17 | 581620 | 94.477 | 96.300 |
18 | 754980 | 90.649 | 94.158 |
19 | 268960 | 103.190 | 104.300 |
20 | 314040 | 92.880 | 94.556 |
21 | 324960 | 97.843 | 97.969 |
d) Plot the data and comment.
# Your code here for a scatter plot.
e) Conduct a suitable rank-based non-parametric test of VitalVit’s claim
State your hypotheses
State relevant descriptive statistics
Carry out the test using the built in function from
with appropriate option choicesState your conclusions
# your code here
f) Conduct a suitable permutation test of VitalVit’s claim
State your hypotheses
State relevant descriptive statistics
Carry out the test using the built in function from
with appropriate option choicesState your conclusions
# your code here
2.8.4. 3. Socks#
In the section on permutation testing, we introduced a dataset on sock ownership (number of pairs of socks owned for 14 husband-wife couples. We noticed that when using a permutation test for difference of means, the null distribution of the difference of means was strongly affected by the presences of an outlier:
in one couple the husband owned about 30 more pairs of socks than the wife
wheter the difference of means in each permutation was positive or negative depended disproportionately on whether this couple were ‘flipped’ or not in that particular permutation
Let’s compare the use of the rank-based (Wilcoxon’s Sign-Rank test) test with the permutation test for the mean difference.
a. Load the data (done for you)
socks = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook_2025/main/data/socks.csv')
Husband | Wife | |
0 | 10 | 12 |
1 | 17 | 13 |
2 | 48 | 20 |
3 | 28 | 25 |
4 | 23 | 18 |
5 | 16 | 14 |
6 | 18 | 13 |
7 | 34 | 26 |
8 | 27 | 22 |
9 | 22 | 14 |
10 | 12 | 10 |
11 | 13 | 17 |
12 | 22 | 21 |
13 | 15 | 16 |
b. Plot the data (done for you)
sns.barplot(data=socks, color=[0.8,0.8,0.8])
sns.lineplot(data=socks.T, marker='o')
c. Carry out a suitable rank-based non-parametric test of the hypothesis that men own more socks than women
# your code here
d. Carry out a suitable permutation test test of the hypothesis that men own more socks than women
# your code here
e. Compare the two tests.
In this case the rank-based test has a (slightly) smaller \(p\)-value than the permutation test.
The permutation test preserves the following features of the data:
In each couple one partner usually has more socks (what we shuffle is which partner this is)
One couple has an extreme difference in sock-counts (we shuffle whether it is the husband or wife who has more socks)
We retain the sample sizes and overall distribution of difference of means
The rank-based test ‘neutralizes’ one of these features, which is it and what is the effect?