7.2. Learning Objectives#

The learning objectives for this week are closely related to those of the previous week


After this week you should be able to:

  • Define the sampling distribution of a statistic (such as the sample mean or proportion)
  • Define a confidence interval and understand its relationship to the sampling distribubtion of the mean
  • Understand that the sampling distribution of the mean can be obtained in several ways including:
    • Calculated empirically from the population - draw many samples of size n from the population and plot their means - only possible if the population distribution is available (rarely possible outside exercises)
    • Estimated using a known distribution (Normal if central limit theorem applies, t if data distribution is normal)
    • Calculated empirically from the sample by resampling (bootstrapping)
  • Calculate a 95% or 99% confidence interval using bootstrapping:
    • For the mean of a sample
    • For the difference of means between two independent samples
    • For the mean difference between paired data points
    • For a correlation
    • Understand the difference between sampling with and without replacement

This material is covered in the lecture and recapped in the worked examples in Python

Python skills#

This week there is an emphasis on simulating the process of drawing a large number of (re)samples from a sample distribution

The key skill practiced this week is building a for loop to repeat a process many times (such as drawing a random sample and getting its mean)

You might need to change some variable (such as sample size n) on each pass through the loop.

Additional new(ish) Python skills:

  • Plot an expected distribution such as a curve from the function stats.norm.pdf() over a histogram of simulated data
  • Plot a Q-Q plot
  • sample from numpy array or a pandas dataframe using numpy.random.choice() and pandas.df.sample() respectively

This material is covered in the Jupyter Notebooks in this section