2.7. Grouping data#

Open In Colab

In many datasets, data can be categorized and we would wish to give descriptive statistics separately for each category.

Set up Python libraries#

As usual, run the code cell below to import the relevant Python libraries

# Set-up Python libraries - you need to run this but you don't need to change it
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas 
import seaborn as sns

Load and view the data#

Picture of some cars

Let’s load the datafile “vehicles.csv” which contains size data on vehicles parked at a vehicle-ferry terminal at 1pm on Sunday 24th April 2022, which they regard as a representative sample.

vehicles = pandas.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook/main/data/vehicles.csv')
length height width type
0 3.9187 1.5320 1.8030 car
1 4.6486 1.5936 1.6463 car
2 3.5785 1.5447 1.7140 car
3 3.5563 1.5549 1.7331 car
4 4.0321 1.5069 1.7320 car
... ... ... ... ...
1359 15.5000 4.2065 2.5112 truck
1360 14.4960 4.1965 2.5166 truck
1361 15.9890 4.1964 2.4757 truck
1362 14.3700 4.2009 2.5047 truck
1363 14.2350 4.2016 2.5212 truck

1364 rows × 4 columns

That was a long list of vehicles!

  • What information do we have about each vehicle?

Obtain descriptive statistics#

We can use the built in functions in pandas.describe() to return descriptives for our data

count    1364.000000
mean        6.722972
std         4.232075
min         3.110900
25%         3.929450
50%         4.419300
75%         9.260325
max        16.231000
Name: length, dtype: float64

Why group the data?#

You can see above that the mean length of vehicles in the car park is 6.72m.

This is surprising as it is rather longer than even a large family car

To get a better sense of the length data, I am going to plot them.

Don’t worry too much about the plotting code for now, as there are dedicated exercises on plotting later.

sns.histplot(data=vehicles, x="length",  bins = np.arange(0,16,0.5))
plt.xlabel('vehicle length (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'vehicle length (m)')

Interesting. It looks like there are several clusters of vehicle lengths.

Have a look back at our dataframe - is there some information there that could explain the different clusters?

  • Probably the clusters relate to different vehicle types

I can plot vehicle types in different colours (again no need ot worry about the plotting code at this stage)

sns.histplot(data=vehicles, x="length", bins = np.arange(0,16,0.5), hue="type")
plt.xlabel('vehicle length (m)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'vehicle length (m)')

Aha. We might want to describe our data separately for each by vehicle type.

Grouping into separate dataframes#

One way to do this is to create separate dataframes for each vehicle type:

cars = vehicles[vehicles['type']=='car']
length height width
count 981.000000 981.000000 981.000000
mean 4.197994 1.580810 1.791925
std 0.517761 0.059263 0.046921
min 3.110900 1.430400 1.624100
25% 3.815400 1.540000 1.760200
50% 4.121600 1.574500 1.790400
75% 4.518400 1.611900 1.820900
max 6.102400 1.899300 1.958000

we can see that 981 of the vehicles were cars, and their mean length was 4.198m, much shorter than the mean over all vehicles.

Try modifying the code below to get descriptive statistics for trucks:

# modify the code to get descritives for trucks
cars = vehicles[vehicles['type']=='car']
length height width
count 981.000000 981.000000 981.000000
mean 4.197994 1.580810 1.791925
std 0.517761 0.059263 0.046921
min 3.110900 1.430400 1.624100
25% 3.815400 1.540000 1.760200
50% 4.121600 1.574500 1.790400
75% 4.518400 1.611900 1.820900
max 6.102400 1.899300 1.958000


We can also use the pandas function groupby to split up our dataframe according to a categorical variable, in this case vehicle type.

length height width
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
car 981.0 4.197994 0.517761 3.1109 3.8154 4.1216 4.5184 6.1024 981.0 1.580810 ... 1.6119 1.8993 981.0 1.791925 0.046921 1.6241 1.7602 1.79040 1.82090 1.9580
towing 53.0 8.672951 0.713460 7.2561 8.1323 8.6894 9.2191 10.0980 53.0 2.897838 ... 2.9064 2.9445 53.0 2.248326 0.008222 2.2292 2.2442 2.24790 2.25400 2.2642
truck 330.0 13.915864 1.343028 11.1480 12.5640 14.3650 15.0750 16.2310 330.0 4.072725 ... 4.2009 4.2137 330.0 2.501304 0.015871 2.4629 2.4898 2.50145 2.51155 2.5467

3 rows × 24 columns

Yikes, that was an unweildy table!

It may be preferable to output descriptives only for one measure (eg length):

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
car 981.0 4.197994 0.517761 3.1109 3.8154 4.1216 4.5184 6.1024
towing 53.0 8.672951 0.713460 7.2561 8.1323 8.6894 9.2191 10.0980
truck 330.0 13.915864 1.343028 11.1480 12.5640 14.3650 15.0750 16.2310

… or to output one descriptive (such as the mean) at a time, rather than the whole table

length height width
car 4.197994 1.580810 1.791925
towing 8.672951 2.897838 2.248326
truck 13.915864 4.072725 2.501304