12.9. Tutorial work and Hand in assignment#

To complete the hand in assignment, please find the instructions as a PDF on this week’s Canvas page.

You will need to create your own Jupyter Notebook (eg in Spyder or Colab) to carry out the analyses.

Remember you will need to include a code block at the top of your Jupyter notebook importing the relevant packages – you can copy this frm one of my example notebooks in the online course book

You will download the data as .csv files and load them from your local directory or your google drive if using Colab – see the online course book for a recap of how to do this if unsure!


Check you can make a new Jupyter notebook and load csv fles from your local computer before you come to the tutorial - if you have problems ask in the tutorial.

Do not leave the tutorial without working out how to do this as your tutor won’t be able to help you out over email!

Try to make your work readable for your tutor – include comments in all code. Comments are text preceded by hashtag #, explaining what you are doing - there are many examples in my example Jupyter notebooks


Please use the tutorial time (and ideally some time before the tutorial) to look through the whole assignmment and identify parts where you need some help

You won’t have time to complete the whole thing in the tutorial so please don’t just start working linearly from the start, only to realise once you have gone home that you don’t kno how to tackle question 3

Why isn’t this assignment in a ready-made workbook like the previous assignments?

• Partly because being able to create a Jupyter Notebook from scratch and import data from a csv file are necessary skills for data analysis in Python outside this course (eg in practical classes in future).

• Partly because the end of year exam will be distributed in this format (question paper as a PDF, data as .csv files) rather than as a ready-made notebook.