2.6. Data cleaning#

As we have seen, outliers can distort the values of statistics such as the mean and standard deviation

In real datasets, outliers are common, arising from one of the following:

  • Real but unusual values (eg many basketball players are outliers in terms of height)
  • Noise in a data recording system (eg in brain imaging data, noise signals from head movement are much larger than the real brain activity we are trying to record)
  • Data entry error (human types the wrong number)

Identifying and removing outliers and bad data points is a crucial step in the process of preparing our data for analysis, sometimes called data wrangling

Set up Python libraries#

As usual, run the code cell below to import the relevant Python libraries

# Set-up Python libraries - you need to run this but you don't need to change it
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas 
import seaborn as sns

Removing an outlier#

In some cases, we can identify that an outlier datapoint should not be in our dataset, and remove it.

Let’s try an example:

Import the data#

Let’s import a dataframe with size information on a random sample of cars

cars = pandas.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook/main/data/cars_outlier1.csv')
length height width type
0 3.9187 1.5320 1.8030 car
1 4.6486 1.5936 1.6463 car
2 3.5785 1.5447 1.7140 car
3 3.5563 1.5549 1.7331 car
4 4.0321 1.5069 1.7320 car
... ... ... ... ...
978 5.0897 1.8396 1.8356 car
979 4.0224 1.5860 1.7862 car
980 3.4771 1.5340 1.7418 car
981 5.2096 1.6396 1.8229 car
982 3.7549 1.5096 1.8274 car

983 rows × 4 columns

Get descriptives#

We can get the descriptive statistics using the decribe() method in pandas

length height width
count 983.000000 983.000000 983.000000
mean 4.219838 1.586132 1.793355
std 0.708656 0.131954 0.056570
min 3.110900 1.430400 1.624100
25% 3.816750 1.540050 1.760250
50% 4.121600 1.574600 1.790400
75% 4.520250 1.612350 1.821000
max 15.361000 4.201700 2.499800

Hm, the maximum value for car length looks very high.

Let’s plot the data (don’t worry about the plotting code, there is a session on this later)

<Axes: xlabel='length', ylabel='Count'>

There must be a cars of length up to 15.36m (the max length in the descriptives table) but we can’t see them in the plot - although we can see the x axis is stretched out to accommodate them.

Let’s zoom in a bit:



plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.5)

Hm, a couple of outliers.

Let’s check it in the dataframe by pulling out any cars longer than 8m:

length height width type
100 15.361 4.1914 2.4998 truck
101 14.508 4.2017 2.4890 truck

ahh, the value of type for the two vehicles that exceed 8m is ‘truck’.

Let’s check what other types we have:

car      981
truck      2
Name: count, dtype: int64

Hm, 981 cars and 2 trucks. I think the trucks were included by mistake. Let’s drop them:

cars_clean = cars.drop([100,101]) # 100 is the row index of the truck - you can see it above
cars_clean['type'].value_counts() # check if we still have any trucks in the sample
car    981
Name: count, dtype: int64

We got the row indices for the trucks from the cell above where we pulled out rows with length >8m and inspected it.

if you were working with lots of files, it could be useful to cut out the middle man and find the row index using code:

ix = cars.index[cars['type']=='truck'] # find the row index for the truck and save it as 'ix'
cars_clean = cars.drop(ix)
cars_clean['type'].value_counts() # check if we still have any trucks in the sample
car    981
Name: count, dtype: int64

NaN an outlier value#

Sometimes, we don’t want to remove an entire entry.

Say for example there is a data entry error for one of the vehicle heights. We might not be that interested in vehicle height, and wish to retain other data on this vehicle.

Then we can replace just the offending value with the value NaN

NaN stands for Not a Number and is code across many programming languages for a missing value that should be ignored.

Let’s try an example

Import the data#

Let’s import a dataframe with size information on a random sample of cars

cars = # your code here to read the file 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook/main/data/cars_outlier2.csv'
  Cell In[10], line 1
    cars = # your code here to read the file 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jillxoreilly/StatsCourseBook/main/data/cars_outlier2.csv'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Get descriptives#

We can get the descriptive statistics using the decribe() method in pandas

# your code here to get the descriptives - check above for an example!

It looks like there are some very high cars in the sample, but the maximum length and width are as expected.

Let’s have a look at the rows of the dataframe containing the very high cars

# your code here to display the rows of the dataframe with car height greater than 8m
# check above for an example
length height width type

Hm, these height values appear to be about 10x the mean height

Maybe a data entry error (the decimal point is in the wrong place)

We can replace the values with a NaN

cars_clean = cars # make a copy of the dataframe to work on

# or cut out the middle man and find the offending row numbers using code

# let's view the edited dataframe
length height width type
98 4.3451 1.6417 1.8773 car
99 4.4613 1.6514 1.7431 car
100 15.3610 NaN 2.4998 truck
101 14.5080 NaN 2.4890 truck
102 3.9694 1.5171 1.7158 car
103 4.2810 1.5981 1.7840 car
104 3.4394 1.5124 1.7424 car

We can see that the mean and max height should now have gone back to reasonable values, as Python just ignores the NaNs when calculating the descriptive statistics:

length height width
count 983.000000 981.000000 983.000000
mean 4.219838 1.580810 1.793355
std 0.708656 0.059263 0.056570
min 3.110900 1.430400 1.624100
25% 3.816750 1.540000 1.760250
50% 4.121600 1.574500 1.790400
75% 4.520250 1.611900 1.821000
max 15.361000 1.899300 2.499800

Find NaNs#

If you download a dataset, it can be useful to check which rows have missing values.

You can do this using the method isna, which returns a True for NaN values and False elsewhere.

For example we can check the section of the dataframe where we replaced some values with NaNs

length height width type
98 False False False False
99 False False False False
100 False True False False
101 False True False False
102 False False False False
103 False False False False
104 False False False False

If you want to find the rows in which ‘height’ is NaN, you can use isna() to give indices like this:

length height width type
100 15.361 NaN 2.4998 truck
101 14.508 NaN 2.4890 truck

Delete or NaN?#

When should you delete the entire row and when should you replace a missing value with a NaN?

In general, it is better to replace bad or missing values with a NaN

I think there are three main considerations:

Partial data records are valuable#

If you have many data values for each record or row in your dataframe (in this case, records correspond to individual cars, but they could be patients for example), you may not wish ot junk all the data just because some variables are incomplete or have bad values.

For example, say we run a study which involves a hospital visit for a battery of tests (blood pressure, thyroid function, levels of vitamin B12…) and the lab looses a batch of samples for the B12 analysis. The remaining data on the patients may still be useful - maybe we didn’t even care that much about vitamin B12.

In this case, it is better to put a missing value for B12 in the affected patients and retain the rest of their data as normal.

Deleting data could be misleaading#

Say one of the measures in our patient study is a follow-up questionairre and only 60% of patients complete this.

If we simply delete all the patients who didn’t complete the follow-up from our database, we will have a biased sample (an no-one will ever know!)

For this reason it is good practice to retain incomplete data records, with Nans as appropriate, so another researcher can see the full picture.

Some errors really are errors#

However, if a record is clearly an error (completely empty) or a duplicate (two identical files for the same NHS number), it would be appropriate to delete it